18Jun, 2018

Float NOW: The Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Try Floating Today

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You may have heard through the news or media that flotation therapy is one of the hottest wellness trends on the market today. Athletes, celebrities and influencers from all over the world have spread the word about why they love to float and how it has benefited their lives. In recent years with its gaining popularity, the term “floating” has almost become common place and we’re seeing its effects with new spas and businesses offering this modality all over the country. So what is this thing that everyone is talking […]

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7Jun, 2018

The Science of Sleeping Great

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8 full hours of sleep. It is ever elusive but mandatory. Seemingly impossible or even worse, unnecessary. People claim to need less sleep as they get older, but they aren’t sleep experts. Adequate restoration isn’t achieved from inadequate sleep. Like our iPhone’s when half charged, we operate more effectively fully charged. Without adequate sleep our bodies do not function at homeostasis. This results in an array of symptoms much more complex than just “feeling tired.” They include an up-regulated central nervous system, resulting in delayed neural function, poor focus, and […]

The post The Science of Sleeping Great appeared first on True REST Float Spa.